Monday, June 6, 2011

Grandma Cheryl came to town

Grandma Cheryl couldn't handle more than 2 months without her Addie and came to visit in March. We had so much fun with her (I had some fun between school, Brandon and Addie had lots of fun) Grandma thought Addie needed a pet, 5 goldfish and a beta later we may not be fish people. Addie took it surprisingly well and happily flushed them all down the toilet. We also spent time at the beach, pool, zoo, and a nature reserve. Brandon and Addie took her to see Marco Island (I still have not been to the island). Grandma could not leave without making sure we were adequately decorated for Easter and her and Addie made some fun Easter crafts. We had our friend Daniel and the missionaries over for a lesson and I remembered how knowledgable my mom is about the gospel. She is a great example and we always learn so much from her.

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